Somatic Experiencing.
Restore your relationship to your animal knowing.


What is trauma?


When our bodies experience something that is too much, too fast, or too soon, our body/minds cope by channeling the powerful, unprocessed survival energy into mental and physical symptoms. These symptoms can express as mental or emotional experiences such as anxiety, dissociation, apathy, hyper-vigilance, difficulty maintaining boundaries, or inability to settle - to name a few. Over time, they can also consolidate into physical symptoms and syndromes such as chronic pain or immune disorders.


Another way to think about it

Trauma can also be understood, in this context, as something that keeps us reacting to past circumstances or future fears rather than creatively engaging with the present moment.


What do we do about it?

In our sessions, curiosity supports us to slow down our embodied experience of what was once too much - inviting the body to tell its story and enact missing experiences. In the process, long held survival impulses can complete and discharge. Some common results include expanded tolerance for both pleasure and discomfort, learned skills for self-regulation, increased vitality, reduced overwhelm, and the ability to state and maintain clear and healthy boundaries so new life choices are possible.

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Change is not only possible. It is inevitable.

“My work with Daniel has been the best ongoing therapy I’ve experienced in my life. I’ve worked with many incredible practitioners over the past 15 years. None could support me on as many levels as Daniel. He’s capable of moving through highs and lows, the logical and illogical, the mystery and the concrete, all with grace and wisdom. His knowledge of the body and its role in healing is one of the most comprehensive I've encountered. By the end of our sessions I not only feel better, but also complete and ready to move into the next part of my day with a new tool or perspective. The level of trauma I’ve faced with his support and the resolution I've come into is truly miraculous. I’m so grateful to have found this human to walk with me on my path of healing!”

~Diana Yourke: Musician/Healer/Ayurvedic Consultant